Resources and Links

You are free to use any of the resources you find here today. However, please reference the relevant source. Please click on the titles to take you to the relevant file or web page.



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 Why women should be ordained and lead churches - a NADAWM resource for congregations.


Clergy Babies Maternity Policy Audit by Rae Caro, Chantal Noppen and Caroline Taylor, with a foreword by Isabelle Hamley.

Ely Diocese Guidance on Mutual Flourishing 2023 

Report 2020

Using the lens of women’s ordained ministry, how can we grow diversity within the strategic leadership of the Church so that all may flourish?

WATCH Report 2019
Women and the Church offer a thorough set of statistics regarding women in ministry in the Church of England each year. The report includes news and updates and is always a valuable resource.

Supporting a parish through a decision to petition
This is a sermon offered by one of our DAWMs to a parish who were deciding whether to petition for alternative episcopal oversight. This is particularly aimed at an traditional Anglo-Catholic congregation but could be adapted for other traditions. We are working to produce more resources for anyone supporting parishes through such a decision.

Useful Links:

WATCH (Women and the Church)

JUNIA (Evangelical Women's Network)